As a Filipino citizen, I disagree with the proposed draft to change the 1987 Constitution.
Last July 3, the Consultative Committee (Con-Com) formed by President Rodrigo Duterte finished their draft that would replace the 31 year old Constitution which established a unitary presidential form of government.
The draft is subject for the President's approval before it would be passed on to Congress that will ratify the new constitution.
The Con-Com, chaired by former Supreme Court Chief Justice Reynato Puno, adopted the following amendments in their draft constitution: a federal-presidential form of government, a 4 year term for the President and Vice President subject for reelection (as like of the US), an 18 autonomous federated regions, 36 senators and 400 district representatives, regulations on political dynasties, more explicitly stated rights in the Bill of Rights, 3 high courts, tandem voting in the President and Vice President, and the new structure of local governments in the regions, and a lot more.
In terms with the features of the draft constitution, I would say that it contains a lot of changes that were not written in the present constitution. I agree with some of the elements in the draft but I strongly object the reelection of President and the tandem voting for electing the President and Vice President.
The reelection of a Chief Executive would only result to abuses in power. The incumbent President can wield his/her authority and even use public funded projects and programs just to assure his/her victory for an reelectoral bid. A good example of this scenario was during the Marcos administration. His reelection in 1969 already brought a lot of economic and social crises in the country which includes the declaration of Martial Law and even drafting a Constitution that would enable him to stay in power for a long period of time. He only worked out and performed efficiently during his first term in 1965 for the electorate to vote for him again in his reelection. A six year term without an reelection is already enough to frame out a President's platform and agenda for his/her administration.
On the other hand, tandem voting in the position of President and Vice President destroys the very nature of democracy. It will not reflect the electorate's voice on their choice to the Vice Presidency. Though it may assure a good working relationship between the two most powerful civilian in the nation as electing a President and Vice President from opposing or different political parties results to political divisions and word wars, the direct voting of the people to a separate President and Vice President will ensure a check and balance in the executive branch of government. If the President doesn't work out well, then the Vice President can remind him/her of the right thing to do. That is how democracy works. But I agree with their proposal to automatically nominate a Vice President as a member of the Cabinet without any approval from the Commission on Appointments.
Above all, I just let the Filipino people to decide whether they will be in favor or not with the draft constitution as they are only the one who will enjoy the privileges enclosed into it and the setbacks it may result once they failed to vote against it.
Again, I oppose the idea of revising the entire Constitution but I'm open to amending some of its enclosed provisions.