As a professional teacher duly licensed by PRC, I strongly criticize ACTS-OFW Representative John Bertiz telling the newly-licensed agricultural and biosystems engineers that they will not give their licenses if they don’t know Special Assistant to the President Bong Go.
This happened after SAP Bong Go sent Bertiz as his proxy to the mass oath-taking last September 25. His remarks had gone viral and reached around 203,000 views on Twitter and 149,000 views on Facebook. Go and Bertiz drew flak online slamming them for making light of the PRC license.
In my own personal view and opinion, Bertiz should not have made a joke about revoking the PRC license of the new batch of professionals who worked out just to earn their respective licenses. He must have given an inspiring talk on how professionals must face today’s challenges in relation to their profession.
It’s not easy to earn a license and then all of a sudden will not to be awarded to them just because they don’t know about Bong Go or any government official, whether they may be running for an elective post or not.
Bertiz must reflect from what he speaks, as he was not elected by the people to be a comedian, but instead to be a public servant that is working for the good of his constituents.