The act made by Supreme Court Associate Justice Teresita J. Leonardo-de Castro calling out Chief Justice Maria Lourdes P. A. Sereno after her Inspirational Talk at the Philippine Women Judges' Association (PWJA) Anniversary last week is nothing but a shameful deed.
It happened after the Chief Justice was tasked to deliver the Inspirational Talk in front of the members of PWJA. In her speech, she highlighted judicial independence which eventually went on to talk about her impeachment case. But after her talk, Associate Justice and PWJA President Leonardo-de Castro walked towards the podium, didn't offered a hand shake, and called out CJ Sereno saying that she must not mention about the case, as it is "sub judice".
The Supreme Court Justices during the 30th Anniversary of the Philippine Women Judges Association (PWJA). Photo from SC PIO Twitter account.
(From left to right) The Supreme Court Justices Teresita J. Leonardo-de Castro, Estela M. Perlas-Bernabe, Maria Lourdes P. A. Sereno, and Antonio T. Carpio during the 30th Anniversary of the Philippine Women Judges Association (PWJA). Photo from SC PIO Twitter account.
Supreme Court Associate Justice and Philippine Women Judges Association (PWJA) President Teresita J. Leonardo-de Castro delivering the Welcome Remarks for the 30th Anniversary of the PWJA. Photo downloaded from SC PIO Twitter account.
Supreme Court Associate Justice and Philippine Women Judges Association (PWJA) President Teresita J. Leonardo-de Castro delivering the Welcome Remarks for the 30th Anniversary of the PWJA. Photo downloaded from SC PIO Twitter account.
The bottomline: Did Sereno said something wrong in her talk? Is it really not right for her to speak about her impeachment case into the occasion?
To be honest, it's a YES. As what Justice Leonardo-de Castro mentioned, the matter is "sub judice" - meaning that it is under judicial consideration and therefore must be prohibited from public discussion elsewhere (Google dictionary). So the Chief Justice must not speak about it in public (which is a speech or talk). At this point, I understand the Associate Justice.
Supreme Court Chief Justice Maria Lourdes P. A. Sereno on her Inspirational Talk for the PWJA's 30th Anniversary. Photo courtesy of SC PIO Twitter account.
Supreme Court Chief Justice Maria Lourdes P. A. Sereno on her Inspirational Talk for the PWJA's 30th Anniversary. Photo courtesy of SC PIO Twitter account.
But the question is: Does Associate Justice Leonardo-de Castro called the Chief Justice in the proper manner?
The answer: A big NO!
Given the fact that the Chief Justice was told not to talk about her impeachment case in the event, Justice Leonardo-de Castro must not SHAME her in front of the crowd - considering that they are all judges and well-educated persons who are aware of judicial issues and protocols. Calling her out or not, it is already IMPLIED to the judges whether she made a mistake or not.
With that scenario, we can see that these is nothing but a direct and personal attack against Chief Justice Sereno. But why?
1. Their appointees are from two opposing forces: Justice Leonardo-de Castro was appointed by then President and incumbent Pampanga Representative Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo while Chief Justice Sereno was appointed by former President Benigno S. Aquino, III. It is noted that Arroyo and Aquino are political foes;
2. Justice Leonardo-de Castro has been a nominee as Chief Justice by the Judicial and Bar Council (JBC) twice. But she has not been chosen by previous presidents. Arroyo has appointed Justice Renato C. Corona in 2010 and Aquino picked Justice Maria Lourdes P. A. Sereno in 2012 so there would be some sense of "bitterness" on her part being equally qualified with Corona and Sereno as CJ but never reached their status; and
3. Justice Leonardo-de Castro is the one of eldest members of the Supreme Court compared to Sereno who served for only two (2) years as Associate Justice and then appointed quickly as Chief Justice for a term of eighteen (18) years reaching the retirement age of 70. She is set to retire on October this year. So in other words, she already lose her chance to be the leader of the highest court in the land.
But whatever has been the reason on why Associate Justice Leonardo-de Castro did such act, nothing changes the fact that she defaced not just the image of the PWJA that she leads, but the Supreme Court in general. At least, I can give some respect to Chief Justice Sereno as she decided to take the indefinite leave out from the consensus of her fellow justices just to "preserve the integrity of the Supreme Court" which Justice Leonardo-de Castro did not took into consideration.
Supreme Court Associate Justice Teresita J. Leonardo-de Castro.
I shall continue to stand with Sereno's fight and struggle for judicial independence and revive the probity of the Supreme Court!
Supreme Court Chief Justice Maria Lourdes P. A. Sereno. (on leave)